We maintain the calendar to give notifications (both email and push) 1 hour before start times, which can be edited to fit your preference.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our email lists so you can be informed of work parties, casual events like winter putting league and our annual club tournaments for club members!
Fridays after dark we play glow doubles rounds with basket lights, glow tape, flashlights and glow sticks until everyone decides to go home!
1st and 4th Sunday of every month, meet at the 2nd tee pad at 9:30am/10am start for a 27 hole singles round & ace pot.
October through March we meet on Monday evenings at 7pm at Mother Aerie 8201 Lake City Way, Seattle, WA 98115
Player-initiated tag rounds and organized tournaments take place throughout the year to compete for the #1 tag. Become a member to participate!
Mondays (6pm in the summer - 3pm in the winter) random draw doubles with CTP and Ace Pot prizes.
Monthly singles rounds tracked on U-disc, pay $20 entry (+$5 optional birdy quota) and play all 18 holes four times (any time you choose within the month).
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