Kris Holloway
Tim Van Aukin
PJ Laush
Shawn Martin
Chris Rozum
Danny Dugan
Marquesa Newman
Justin Juzwick
Elmer Sakuma
Tim motions to have Evan replace hole #2 with pavers. PJ seconds. Unanimous approval.
Evan will coordinate with the TeePad PM’s to complete plan.
Discussed plan for pouring 5 and 16
Need water
We can use a coupler to access water. Need to procure.
PM’s will decide on a date for the work.
Prepare for meetings involving Club Members.
Discussed ways to involve the members in the club activities.
Members priority is to know what is going on with finances
Shawn will provide Justin with transaction details for all accounts through July 31st with ending balances. Justin will prepare financials to be available for meetings/members
Discussion on benefits to club members
Discount on dubs. Decided against.
New tee pads will be a big benefit
Early registration/discounts to club events.
doubles money and how much goes to club.
Cash: $287
Verity Bank $807
Old Bank: $489
Paypal: $587
Next Meeting? August 23rd
Marquesa motioned to adjourn. Seconded. Unanimously passed.
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