“Final Jackson” Meeting Minutes

Oct 11th, 2023 6:30pm


Kris Holloway

Tim Van Aukin

Elmer Sakuma

Marquesa Newman

PJ Lausch

Shawn Martin

Max Katchen

Dave Ida

Sponsors -

We received the check from play it again

Haven’t received any $ from anyone else that we know of

Bear brewery - sponsored and offered CTP prizes

Shawn wants to make sure we check with Jackson about letting outside food and drink into event

Lone star has offered a raffle pack

Cody Burke with Ethan Stowell Restaurants will donate either gift card or something for CTP or raffle item

- PJ and Tim need to figure out how/when/where the raffle will be run, etc.


Shawn reports a lot of pushback about no age protected division

Shawn motioned to vote on adding a “Masters division” which will be 50+

Max seconded

All were in favor

*Make sure we are holding spots for sponsors who want to compete. Assigned to MAX


- We need to post the finished flyer on Facebook, website and Mailchimp - Assigned to Marquesa


Rozum is making tee signs with wood?? Need details on that so we can make sure it fits in and are completed in time.

Dave suggested making a tri-fold with sponsor info

Max wants to set a date for us to have the finished course signage ready to be approved for the tournament. Next Wednesday?

Max committed to getting all logos and info to Dave by Tuesday the 17th so Dave can complete the trifold with course map.


6 functional baskets at Eagles, one “non-functional” basket at eagles could be hung from tree

Shawn and Marquesa have 2

Adam has 2,

Tristan has 2 (pink on hole 1)

Kris H has 2

Make sure we have time and resources to bring turf to Jackson and set everything up.

- Friday morning setup begins

Shawn asked Kris to coordinate with everyone on timing and transportation for setup and breakdown


Ace pot? Will we have one? Will we charge extra for it? Will the club take the profit?

Max thinks we shouldn’t charge extra and have it all included in the$50 entry fee

Shawn pointed out that the club has no other avenue for making money from this event AND that we’re paying out to more place winners than Max thought.

Max agreed.

Shawn motions to vote weather we use Ring of Fire or CTP if Ace Pot is not hit

Majority voted for CTP

We went over financials and it was suggested that we have Jackson payout moved to savings account

Shawn motioned to vote on whether or not to transfer Jackson payout $ to our Verity savings account.

All were in favor.

  • Financial Reports - Shawn Martin

Verity Checking Balance: $1,677.45

PayPal Balance: $972.41

Cash Balance: $169.00

Total: $2,818.86

Next Meeting is TENTATIVELY scheduled for November 1st, 6:30

Meeting adjourned

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